Plane and Love Stamps

The challenge was to create an illustration design that was useful in an unconventional way. So after pondering what that could be, I came across the idea of stamps. I am highly inspired by the design firm Journey Group, who works in stamp design. For these stamps, I wanted to have bright colors and a playful design to highlight the different nature of the stamps.

Love Stamps Forever USA

If you have ever gone to the post office, it’s likely you have seen love stamps in many forms. While I was researching for this project, I came across many different versions and thought about what my love stamps would look like.

My love stamps would be harmonious in the color palette. They would have an up and down diagonal feature to symbolize the playfulness and fluctuating emotions.The icons would be a heart for obvious and simplistic reasons, but also have an excitement about them, like a bursting, new love with pure, fresh eyes.

Plane Stamps

After my love stamps, I thought I needed another concept, which could build off of a similar idea. If you’ve ever seen something spelled in the sky from a plane trail, that’s were this idea came from. I wanted to bring that whimsical, exciting feeling while also incorporating texture, movement, and perspective.


Why do we Dream?